Saturday, June 14, 2008

Movie Magic

Here is the Movie producer, doing a practice run before filming next week.

Caleb demonstrating how to jump over the fire (red towel).
Our children do their own stunt work.

David giving director notes, Caleb explaining the stunt Julia. Abigail is thinking she might, maybe participate in this stunt business.

Julia telling me "Cut, Cut".

Julia after she completed the stunt of jumping over the fire.

David has this passion for movie making. I heard Steven Spielberg giving an interview once, and he said his parents encouraged his dreams. And I though of how the kids seem. And I wasn't sure how to encourage in this area, and if we wanted to. But you know the Lord has a funny way of pointing things out. I thought of how God made us each different. And if my kids are passionate about something, I should not just encourage, but should try to do anything in my power to help make it a reality for them. So last year, David got a kid sized video camera. Then he took Drama lessons. And now, he is already going around making movie ideas. I love how he really gets into this. I also had the joy of sharing what a collaboration was. This really made movie making more fun, when he realized his siblings could give him ideas to. this made for a fun and peaceful night of imagination. I am so thankful that each child was so different and could bring their own unique ideas to the fun. It really is a joy to watch how God works on something and it grows.


Suel's in Africa said...

Oh girl, FUN! I also loved seeing more of your house in the pics :)
Love y'all!(a little TX for you)

Amy Hudson said...

Grant wants to know what kind of movie...Indiana Jones perhaps?

Teresa said...

I LOVE how creative your kids are!!!! I remember hearing some of David's stories firsthand (well, sometimes second hand through you or Chris). In a job where all my clients know how to do is exactly what an object is made for, I love that a red towel can still be turned into fire, etc.