Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our video

Here is our Cadence video that we will use for our partnership development.


For some reason, I am having trouble putting my text on the posts below. So I will update you on life around our house!! Chris has picked up a temporary part time job with the US Census Bureau. The boys have been visiting up at Veritas to see if they would like to go to school there next year. The girls and I have been keeping a little girl here at the house a few days a week. I have been helping out at the flower shop when I can during Prom season.

The pictures you see below are of the kids at the Barnes and Noble. I had heard about this, and thought it would be fun since it was so chilly outside. I really expected about 40 kids to be there. But it wasn't crowded at all...9 kids, and that counts my 4! So they had a blast hunting 32 eggs a piece all over the store.

We dyed our eggs later in the day. I planned ahead much better this time. I boiled 30 eggs this year. Everyone had lots of eggs, and I bought extra dye too. So that was fun and exciting.

Sunday morning we let the kids have their baskets. They were all color coded this year, and there was a HUGE chocolate bunny in each one. We went to church and had a great service. It was wonderful to celebrate our risen King! After church we went to the cabin and enjoyed our family. Fishing, hunting eggs, boat riding, eating, and just catching up with each other!