Thursday, April 10, 2008


What a Thrilling 24 Hours!!

So last night, we find out about the house (see prev. post) and then today discover it has 2 bathrooms. So we are all feeling pretty excited when Rick from Cadence International calls. He called to personally invite us to training and candidacy. I felt like this was the icing on our blessing cake. Rick and Paula had come to visit us a while back and we really enjoyed our time with them. So we just felt doubly blessed that Rick took the time to call. So in 28 days we are moving to Alabama. Then 1 and 1/2 months later we go to Colorado for Cadence. God's timing is so perfect. I am trying my best to find the words that really fit our hearts. I am not sure if there are words for these feelings. I am sure my Aunt Julie and Aunt Cathy (both educators) would be extremely helpful in this. We are just blown away by God. We have felt all along that God was calling us to this, and that everything was a formality. So for God to confirm all of this in less than 24 hours is WOW! To say that God is awesome seems to be so little today. And to say that He is Amazing doesn't seem big enough. He is so wonderful and and I am glad we are His children.

And for a bonus, today our friends Ken and Danelle told us they are expecting their first child. That thrilled me, and then made me sad that I wouldn't get to hold her...or him.

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