Saturday, December 1, 2007
Day for Mom
What a day! What a week! What a month! Wow! I feel like we have been moving non-stop. We spent Thanksgiving in AL with our family and friends. Then we heard back from Cadence. For those of you whom we haven't spoken with in a while, let me tell you that Chris and I are in the process of applying with Cadence International to run a Hospitality House. We are very excited. God seems to not only keep leading us to this, but also confirming different things along the way. This is a very interesting time in our lives as we watch was God is doing and how His story is unfolding before us and through us.
Today my friend and mentor Johnita Williams came over and helped me organize and de-clutter. My parents watched the kids while we worked. It was so refreshing. Now, don't get me wrong I am really tired. It is a good tired though, like you have truly accomplished something. Now if we just keep this up, we might have everything cleaned out before we have to move in 6 months. Johnita just blessed my heart by coming. It reminds me of how Christ comes into our hearts and leans out. He sees all the ugly dirty parts of your heart and helps you clean. It feels good . A bit painful sometimes, but good.
A couple of you have asked for an update on my cousin, Brian. He looked so good this weekend. I didn't get to spend as much time with him as I needed, but he looked the best I had seen him look in a long time. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. I thank you.
So even thought it has been a crazy week, it was nice to blog with you today. Thanks to Mom and Dad. Next time, I'll go out to eat!
Today my friend and mentor Johnita Williams came over and helped me organize and de-clutter. My parents watched the kids while we worked. It was so refreshing. Now, don't get me wrong I am really tired. It is a good tired though, like you have truly accomplished something. Now if we just keep this up, we might have everything cleaned out before we have to move in 6 months. Johnita just blessed my heart by coming. It reminds me of how Christ comes into our hearts and leans out. He sees all the ugly dirty parts of your heart and helps you clean. It feels good . A bit painful sometimes, but good.
A couple of you have asked for an update on my cousin, Brian. He looked so good this weekend. I didn't get to spend as much time with him as I needed, but he looked the best I had seen him look in a long time. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. I thank you.
So even thought it has been a crazy week, it was nice to blog with you today. Thanks to Mom and Dad. Next time, I'll go out to eat!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
We have had a great time the last 2 weekends. Our friends Michael and Jennifer came down to visit us with their 2 children last weekend. The kids all had so much fun playing together and going on adventures. We had a great time going walking. And then the kids had a real blast cooking out hot dogs and s-mores. We used our little cook top grill, without the cook top and basically had a campfire in a grill. The kids cried and cried when it was time to say good-bye.
Then this weekend we had the joy of having friends in and out all day. I do not think their could be any sweeter sound on earth, than the voices of children at play. They were so sweet and precious. And the time with the Moms was really nice for me too. We also had a nice relaxing evening. Church was wonderful too. Did I mention how much I love our church library? The music today was really good. And Sunday School is always great. Not just the lesson, but the fellowship with others.
Then this weekend we had the joy of having friends in and out all day. I do not think their could be any sweeter sound on earth, than the voices of children at play. They were so sweet and precious. And the time with the Moms was really nice for me too. We also had a nice relaxing evening. Church was wonderful too. Did I mention how much I love our church library? The music today was really good. And Sunday School is always great. Not just the lesson, but the fellowship with others.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Trick or Treat

Glamour Girls, Iron Chef, Tob-lerone

We had so much fun Trick or Treating this year. The girls went as Glamor Girls and the boys went as Troy from High School Musical and Batman. Okay, in all fairness, Caleb also went as Toby Mac one night, and then changed to batman another time. We went with Grandma and Grandpa to their church trunk or treat and then went to our church on Halloween night. We had fun at both places. At our church the kids were happy to meet up with their friends. And they all loved the cake walk.
Finally pictures from the beach!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Fun In the Sun
We are in Panama City Beach Florida. The kids have enjoyed their "Beach". Today my friend Sylvia (former seminary neighbor) and her kids came over and swam in the pool. We have been in the water all day. Aunt Karen came over and showed us how to play in the beach. Building sandcastles and chasing shells in the tide. We have had a great time with Grandmother and Grandaddy. It has been a wonderful vacation. We will be visiting in Phenix City in a few days! i'll update you soon!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Saturday afternoon
We had such a weird morning!! We got up on Central time, and were almost late to our general session. Sara Groves sang, and she is just wonderful. I love that she sings about being a mom. Our speaker was John Ortberg. He talked to us about not being in such hurry. How to slow our spirits down and listen to the Lord, our hubbies, and our kids. Then in the afternoon we went to our sessions. I went to one making the bible fun and fantastic with family time. It was soooo good! Then we had a nice time talking with each other. We walked through the Resource Fair, and got some fun freebies. Now we are going somewhere cheap for dinner off site! Tonight we will go to the GO FISH concert, and to the new Pirates Who Don't do Anything movie premier. Later, we will go to late night karaoke!
Amy, Rhonda, and Myself made it to Orlando for the Mops convention. We were joined by our other friends Kim, Nancy, Tonya, & Jennifer. We bought our groceries, got registered, and headed to our first General Session. Matt Redman led worship was really cool. We alll liked that we got to see the person who wrote the songs we love...heart of worship, blessed be your name, better is one day, and you never let go. Then Mary Beth Lagerborg read the story of the Three Little Pigs while it was being acted out on stage. And she talked about having a firm foundation, a solid structure, and knowing the enemy (the wolf). It was so easy to see how a simple children's story could have such a biblical model for living. Then Elisa Morgan, CEO of MOPS talked about how much God loves us. And we mean really loves us. This isn't the kind of he loves me, loves me not, kind of love we here about as children on the playground. this is the real I know who you really are and I LOVE You! Just as you are I LOVE YOU. That God has chosen each of us., That we matter to Him, and that we are never alone. When are children are disobedient, when our husband walks out, when Mom has cancer, when a child gets injured, when you feel you are alone in this world, WE ARE NEVER ALONE! God has given all Christians the gift of the Holy Spirit. He dwells in us. He builds His home in us. He LOVES us.
So now we have ironed on our bling to our shirts. Had a snack with our friends, And we are drifting off to dream land. Until 7AM when we are up for the next full-day of sessions! Check back then!!!
So now we have ironed on our bling to our shirts. Had a snack with our friends, And we are drifting off to dream land. Until 7AM when we are up for the next full-day of sessions! Check back then!!!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Thank you God...
"Thank you God for the cheap fruit water you let my mom buy. amen" Caleb's prayer at supper tonight after I got a deal this week on flavored sparkling water for .09 a liter. I hope that my children are learning that God has entrusted many things to us. I feel like using our money to stretch farther on our grocery budget is just one of the ways. If you are interested in learning more about my deals visit and tell them I sent you.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
After spending the summer working hard and using most of his vacation days, Chris has done it. He has passed HEBREW! Praise the Lord! This class was a power class. 32 weeks of Hebrew compacted into 10. It was really hard. Chris has worked non - stop and can finally say he did it. this puts us back on track for graduation in May 2008. Keep praying for Chris. He has 2 weeks off of school and then right back at it again. Pray that we will have fun family time and that he and I will be able to have some down time together before the whirlwind starts again. There is still one more Hebrew class to take and a few others that will be more challenging, but I feel like the biggest one is behind us. We praise God in all things!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Many Blessings!
Sometimes, days get long and you get weary. This week I looked for the Lord's Blessings. I found healthy family, an excited cousin, faithful friends, a great MOPS retreat, son getting in fine arts academy on scholarship, daughters almost mastering potty training, son telling knock-knock jokes, sunshine, sweet neighbors, teenage neighbor who helps so very much, and some friends offering to get me to the MOPS convention. All this makes for one blessed week.
I pray that you look for the Lord's blessing this week too.
I pray that you look for the Lord's blessing this week too.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Our New Family Member - Sam
David got a puppet so that he can be a part of the puppet ministry at church. This is the activity that is going on during the summer while RA's is out. He has really enjoyed it. So last night, I bought him SAM. Below are the pictures of Sam in his first day at the May house.
David got a puppet so that he can be a part of the puppet ministry at church. This is the activity that is going on during the summer while RA's is out. He has really enjoyed it. So last night, I bought him SAM. Below are the pictures of Sam in his first day at the May house.
My Good Deals
Okay, I joined and have been stockpiling on items on sale. I wanted to show you how proud I was of this weeks deals.
If you too check out this website an think it is a good deal, put in my e-mail and I will earn a free week!

If you too check out this website an think it is a good deal, put in my e-mail and I will earn a free week!
SCHOOL SUPPLIES - crayons .20 each, pencils .01 each,
pencil boxes .01 each, glue sticks .20 each, pencil sharpeners .01 each,
spiral notebooks .10 each, composition books .50 each. and
liquid glue .09 each
pencil boxes .01 each, glue sticks .20 each, pencil sharpeners .01 each,
spiral notebooks .10 each, composition books .50 each. and
liquid glue .09 each

TOILETRIES - pantene shampoo & conditioner .33 each
crest toothpaste .24 each, oral-b toothbrushes .24 each
crest toothpaste .24 each, oral-b toothbrushes .24 each
CEREAL - GENERAL MILLS $1 each...bought 14 boxes

Thursday, July 5, 2007
Mom doesn't feel so good....

I have been feeling under the weather and I mean that literally. After going to the Doctor on Tuesday, it seems I have a bad case of Barometric pressure problems. Basically, I have a cold due to the amount of rain we have been getting everyday. So Chris took the day off today to let me sleep and rest. I got to sleep in until 10:30!!! While I was sleeping I could hear the kids playing and Chris making sweet tea. But when I got out of the bed, it was dead silent. I looked outside and the car was gone. A little while later, they all came home saying they had me a get better soon present...a Raspberry Mocha Frappacino! Chris even got the kids one to share (a real treat for them).
It is days like today that I realize what a wonderful husband I have. Someone who not only cares about our children, but my well-being too. I am constantly made aware that God has given me a true gift in Chris. How many wives do you know are married to a good-looking man, who honors God, cherishes his wife, and adores their children? I have a husband who doesn't bat an eye at working full-time and going to school full-time so that I may stay home with our children. It is an honor for me to serve beside him in ministry and in life, In sickness and health!
We had a nice relaxing day today. We went out to Mom and Dad's and just rested. The kids played, Dad cut the grass, and Mom and I played dominoes. On the way to pick up Chris from work (yes, Lifeway was open, and did as much in sales as they do during their busiest days), we bought fireworks. I only spent $15 on fireworks, thinking that way they would last a while. I knew that our new neighbors the Harrison's probably hadn't had time to finish unpacking to do fireworks, so we called them over. Then our other neighbor's drove by and we told them to come down and do fireworks with us too. So in a matter of 10 minutes, we had a little party! It was fun to watch Chris shoot the tanks and the little sparkling balls. I really thought we would burn those fireworks in about 20 minutes, but after one and a half hours, we called it a night. We saved the rest of them for our 5th of July party! See you tonight!

Gathered around the porch: My neighbor and friend is making pictures, I am lighting sparklers, Ruth is passing out the sparklers, One of the Dads has gone home to fix his kids bath water, Chris and Matt are helping the little ones, and the kids are having a blast!

Sunday, July 1, 2007
Sunday before the 4th of July.

I know the title is not that catchy, but it is what it is. I had to make a picture of Amy, Grant, and Molly with us. We all looked so cute in our patriotic outfits. Thought you all might enjoy seeing them. Unfortunately, Amy and I just blend into the wall, but we know y'all really wanted to see the kids. And believe me this is the best of the 10 pictures.
Here is my new tool

For Mother's Day my Mom got me a mill and a Bosch machine. I can now grind my own wheat and make 5 loaves of bread at a time in the Bosch. I use this thing all the time. I make whole wheat bread, pizza dough, cinnamon bread, blueberry bread, clover leaf dinner rolls, and I might try pretzels soon! I just wanted to show you another of the Lord's blessings. And I also had to put this on here for my two friends Sylvia and Stephanie who have been praying for me to get one of these.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
The Helgrens Got Good News
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
One CRAZY Week!
Wow, It has been one crazy week. It seems like we have been busy everyday. I kid you not, there were kids at my house everyday last week. Not that I mind, but I was sooo tired. Friday night I did get a little escape. Rhonda, Amy, Ms. Gail and I went to the Lake House to scrapbook. I got a lot of pages completed. And I got to unwind by the water. In February the water was down at the Lake due to the drought. However, the rain has been a huge blessing to us. And the water was up to the wall. This is a huge deal.
I sat by the water and was telling Ms. Gail about how good God has been to us lately. I enjoy sharing the little blessings God sends our way as well as the BIG ones. Our home church Lakewood Baptist has sent us two checks recently that covered some of our bills. And Amy's brother gave us some deer meat, that we were able to share with some other families in need. I love when God blesses us and we get to share the blessing. We have several families that support us every month. And some of them probably think their gift to us is so little, but it is so big to us. I find that it is so hard to say Thank you. It feels so hollow when something means so much. I wish there was a word that meant Thank you but that packed a punch!
My children have been so good lately. It is great to be a mom. And I really love being Chris' wife. We have been really praying about what the Lord would have us do once Chris graduates. We don't know exactly what God has in store for us, but we do know what we feel like He is calling us to do. We think we are suppose to use our home as a ministry for Him. We have looked into Cadence International running a Hospitality House for Military families. We like the idea of having game night and Bible Study in our home, and cooking for families, and I really liked the idea of mentoring moms and starting a Military MOPS group. We don't know if this is exactly the outlet the Lord has for us. But we know that He has clearly shown us that Ministry in our home is a perfect fit for us.
We did have game night this week. It was good to have the Newlyweds Michael and Rachael with us before they leave for their mission trip to France. And we always like having the Baker Bunch. We played our new Favorite group game "Time's Up" and then a game of "Wits & Wagers". After we had homemade pizza we played spades. We hadn't played that in so long, it was great fun!
So this was our CRAZY week!
So this has been our CRAZY week!
I sat by the water and was telling Ms. Gail about how good God has been to us lately. I enjoy sharing the little blessings God sends our way as well as the BIG ones. Our home church Lakewood Baptist has sent us two checks recently that covered some of our bills. And Amy's brother gave us some deer meat, that we were able to share with some other families in need. I love when God blesses us and we get to share the blessing. We have several families that support us every month. And some of them probably think their gift to us is so little, but it is so big to us. I find that it is so hard to say Thank you. It feels so hollow when something means so much. I wish there was a word that meant Thank you but that packed a punch!
My children have been so good lately. It is great to be a mom. And I really love being Chris' wife. We have been really praying about what the Lord would have us do once Chris graduates. We don't know exactly what God has in store for us, but we do know what we feel like He is calling us to do. We think we are suppose to use our home as a ministry for Him. We have looked into Cadence International running a Hospitality House for Military families. We like the idea of having game night and Bible Study in our home, and cooking for families, and I really liked the idea of mentoring moms and starting a Military MOPS group. We don't know if this is exactly the outlet the Lord has for us. But we know that He has clearly shown us that Ministry in our home is a perfect fit for us.
We did have game night this week. It was good to have the Newlyweds Michael and Rachael with us before they leave for their mission trip to France. And we always like having the Baker Bunch. We played our new Favorite group game "Time's Up" and then a game of "Wits & Wagers". After we had homemade pizza we played spades. We hadn't played that in so long, it was great fun!
So this was our CRAZY week!
So this has been our CRAZY week!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The End of VBS
WOW! What a week. VBS has come to an end and I am pooped. Myself, Rhonda, and Amy were in the office doing registration. Wedgwood had VBS at 6 locations and we were the hub for all the information to come to. We input the children's information cards, assigned them to their classes, and then did attendance. This process took a couple of hours. If Rhonda's husband hadn't created this software program called "" we would have been there FOREVER! Thankfully Rhonda had bought Starbucks, Chocolate, and munchies to make the time fly. The kids all had a good time and I was really glad they each learned something different. David learned a new song that he just loves to sing now "Amazing Love". I love the words to it and that he is 7 years old and teaching it to his siblings.
I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken.
I"m accepted you were condemned.
And I'm alive and well your spirit is within me.
Because you died and rose again.
Amazing Love how can it be
That your my king who died for me.
Amazing Love I know its true
Its my joy to honor you (in all i do i honor you).
You are my king, you are my king ,Jesus you are my king
Jesus you are my king.
I know that God is working in our family. I feel so thankful that He has given me these precious children. I am so glad my husband makes countless sacrifices for me to be home with them. I wouldn't want to miss a moment of God working in their lives. And when David sings this, I feel so at peace. I wonder how God feels to hear his children sing.
One night Amy, Rhonda and I sat out on my front porch for what we have named "Porch Therapy" where we bring our favorite drink and munchies and just catch up. Well on this particular night we saw what we thought was a shooting star, and then it got brighter so we guessed comet, rocket, & plane, as we watched it fall from the night sky. The next day we learned it was a meteor. That was really cool!! Just another reminder as why I like the open Texas sky, star lit nights, and the God who created them all!
For those of you who read this often, please continue to keep Chris and I in your prayers. We have 11 months until Chris graduates and we are praying for God's direction in the next ministry He calls us to.
Have a BLESSED week.
I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken.
I"m accepted you were condemned.
And I'm alive and well your spirit is within me.
Because you died and rose again.
Amazing Love how can it be
That your my king who died for me.
Amazing Love I know its true
Its my joy to honor you (in all i do i honor you).
You are my king, you are my king ,Jesus you are my king
Jesus you are my king.
I know that God is working in our family. I feel so thankful that He has given me these precious children. I am so glad my husband makes countless sacrifices for me to be home with them. I wouldn't want to miss a moment of God working in their lives. And when David sings this, I feel so at peace. I wonder how God feels to hear his children sing.
One night Amy, Rhonda and I sat out on my front porch for what we have named "Porch Therapy" where we bring our favorite drink and munchies and just catch up. Well on this particular night we saw what we thought was a shooting star, and then it got brighter so we guessed comet, rocket, & plane, as we watched it fall from the night sky. The next day we learned it was a meteor. That was really cool!! Just another reminder as why I like the open Texas sky, star lit nights, and the God who created them all!
For those of you who read this often, please continue to keep Chris and I in your prayers. We have 11 months until Chris graduates and we are praying for God's direction in the next ministry He calls us to.
Have a BLESSED week.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Dad was in the hospital Sunday due to stomach / intestinal problems. We didn't go to church. So while Dad slept, Mom came to the house. She and the girls had church in their room. The girls read their Bibles and talked about Jesus. I know how much it has meant to me to have godly grandparents, I know that it will mean so much to my children. When I think about how they will be able to look back and see the spiritual legacy that has been left for them, I just get all teary. My greatest desire is for our children to walk in the truth and love of Jesus Christ as their Savior. This picture doesn't capture the moment well, but you can just imagine.
Funny things tonight
I just have to let you all know how funny life is here. Right now Julia is rocking a banana. Singing it "Dancing" songs. Abigail is bathing herself in the laundry basket with the clean socks as her bubbles and washcloths. We covered the side of the boys bottom bunk and made a pirate ship. We put the baby bed rail on the top bunk and made a "poop deck" and a cabin filled with pillows. The kids thought this was great. David wore his tricorn hat and played the roll of captain. We all played in there for several hours today. Until Mom fell overboard to cook supper. I feel so blessed to have such wonderful children. Yesterday we had a steady stream of friends stop by and it was a huge blessing to all of us. We know our time at seminary is limited and we are grateful for our good neighbors and friends. God has been abundantly good to us and we feel so fortunate.
David turns 7!
David is going to tell you about his birthday. I had a Lego birthday. I played drop the Lego's in the bucket. And we had a Lego building contest. We gave awards to winners in different Lego areas. Like Tallest structure, Most buildings, Most creative, and more. Mrs. Rhonda came over and decorated my cookie cake. It had "Pepper" the Lego person on it. Mrs. Rhonda did a really good job. I got some nice gifts like the Eye Toy for my PlayStation 2 from Grandma Jan and Daddy Barron, My Mom and Dad gave me a kids video camera, Uncle Nate gave me Shark Attack Lego's, my friends all brought me Lego's. I even got a bionicle. And with all the birthday money I got I bought a skateboard and I bought my brother a marvel hero. Since he didn't have a birthday for a long time. It was a fun day. Here is mom's note...Can you believe that is David on the skateboard???? Caleb rides it too. Oh My!
Our David finished his first year as an RA (royal ambassador for Christ). He has really enjoyed this year and his teacher has been great...his DAD. Mr. Phil the director is a big ALABAMA fan. So our kids have had fun cheering WAR EAGLE when they see him. This year David built a RA Race car, went Camping, Had a lock-in and met a missionary from the Philippines.

Chris had some wonderful surprises planned for our tenth anniversary. The first was that he had my parents watch the kids for the weekend. Then Friday evening when he got off work we got dressed up for dinner and went to Saltgrass. Of course Chris had come to pick me up with a dozen roses in his hands. From there, we went to our favorite hang-out...Barnes and Noble, then to Half price books. I could get lost in a book store. Time just seems to stand still when I am surrounded by good books. Then we went to blockbuster and finally home. Where Chris blacked out the windows in our bedroom and turned off our phones so we could sleep late on Saturday. On Saturday, we awoke late and it was raining. So Chris' plan for a picnic in the park got canceled. So we had sandwiches for lunch and went to Mardel's, and grocery shopping at Target. For the evening, Chris took me to downtown Fort Worth where we ate at UNO. This is a Chicago pizza place. And would you believe that we actually ate at the original UNO when we were in Chicago right after we were engaged ten years ago. Then on Sunday we went to our friends wedding. It was a wonderful relaxing anniversary weekend. Did I tell you what my gift was? Chris and I took ballroom dance lessons. How the next wedding I work I will feel more comfortable on the dance floor. The big picture of me is my surprise to Chris, when he checks the blog, there will be a treat for him! I thought it was good picture of his wife who is older than him.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Dancing With The Stars
For those of you who haven't heard, our kids love Dancing With The Stars. They get together in partners and dance during the music and and "practice" during the commercials. Well, for our anniversary, Chris is taking me for dance lessons. We had our first lesson yesterday, and I enjoyed it. I really can't wait for the next one. So this is the highlights for this week.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Easter and Spring Notes
What an interesting few weeks we have here as far as weather goes. Rainy with Tornados, HOT days, VERY windy, and snow the day before Easter. Here are the latest and cutest pictures from Easter. Of Course, you can see the beautiful bluebonnets of Texas. And that Mom, Dad, and Nate joined us at church for Easter Sunday.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Here we are doing our daily storytime. Everyone curls up with a pillow and blanket. Abigail and Julia got new blankets from the Nichols family for their birthday. Then I sit and read. I really enjoy watching the story come to life for our children. They love to learn about the old days. It somewhat reminds me of my childhood. My Dad growing a garden and us having fresh vegetables to eat. I feel blessed to be home with my children. We are currently reading through the Little House Series. We have a blast reading every . And now David is reading to us. Can you believe it? Our days are full and fun. Wish you could join us.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Now I couldn't be in town during Valentine's week and not go work down at the shop. I had fun reminiscing about the good ol' days. I still worked though and figured out that I wired over 100 dozen roses. And yes, that is my Mike & Ed's sweet tea in the background.
Nate came to the flower shop and worked too. He made some great close up pictures of the flowers. Here is a great one of a lily.
Shawnesse and Jay
Now, I don't remember what they were talking about, but they work like a team. Sky
My cousin. He worked extremely hard at the shop for the holiday rush. I did keep him on his toes by cutting jokes and making him laugh. As you see, he played back.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monkey Joe's
Ashley and Amy took the kids to Monkey Joe's (an indoor bounce house) while we were in town. They all seemed to have a great time. I am not sure who had more fun, Ashley, Amy, or the kids. Now don't get mad at me, Ashley made these pictures and didn't send one of herself. As soon as she does I will add it.
Cinderella shirt outside the "Princess Castle."
The entire time we were in Phenix City it was David who was constantly with Amy. I guess all those years of her spoiling him have created a wonderful cousinship.
And for those of you who have seen how David doesn't like to ride these I was happy for the photo.
The May's
The May Family
The plan had originally been for the boys to stay with Brian and that me and the girls to stay at Parkers. And since those houses are so close, we thought this would be perfect. But, we didn't plan on the kids all wanting to stay with Aunt Judy and Uncle Charles. So our Aunt and uncle spoiled us by letting us have all the evenings to ourselves at Brian's. We got to spend some really good time with our family and friends while we were in town. It was a small act on Charles and Judy's part, but it made Chris and I feel spoiled!
It was Amy and Charles Birthday as soon as we got to town! We often feel like we miss out on so many activities, and celebrations, that it was nice to be present.
We unloaded the car and Julia went straight for Parker. I find that ironic. I think she looks the most the May's. Parker seemed to really enjoy having all the kids there. He liked to watch Charles and Judy spoil them too.
Daisy and Leo
These are Amy and Ashleys dogs. At first the girls were hesitant. But by the end of the week they were giving commands like "hush dog" and "get down". They could even tell these matching dogs apart. I guess that is a twin thing!
Here is Judy giving the kids presents for Amy's Birthday!
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