Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Don't forget to click OLDER POSTS to see more stories!

Meet the Smith Family

We had the joy of meeting Ingrid and her daughter Catherine at the Hospitality House. Jerry is deployed to Afghanistan. Catherine just had recent double foot surgery and is on crutches and having to move very slowly. Please pray for Ingrid that she can be an encouragement to her daughter, as well as get the rest she needs. Catherine is in the process of getting ready for College as she graduates from High School in May. When Jerry returns this summer, he and Ingrid will be moving to Ft Bliss, Texas. As a Mom this is going to be a hard change..Only daughter going to college and you moving further away to a new location. Pray that this family will have peace as they make these transitions. They are a close and strong Christian family, and they do know that God will sustain them as they go.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Meet Me on a Frustrated Day.

So for all of you who wonder if I always see life as Sunshine, most of the time I do, today was one of those Storm cloud kind of days.

I am Frustrated. I want to be in Fort hood.

I want to tell my children yes.

I am tired of saying:
"When we raise our support"
"It's in the storage unit"
"When we have our own house"
"It's in the suitcase"
"Please go re-pack your suitcase"
"It's in the storage unit"
"This isn't our house"
"When we have our own house"
"It's in the storage unit"

I am now longing for this time of fund-raising to be over. I am ready to be about my Father's work. And I long to be back in the midst of running my home, cooking meals, washing clothes, sweeping floors, and sleeping in my own bed (even if I can't remember what that feels like anymore).

I know that this is what God has called us to do, and I am content in following Him. I just wanted you to get a glimpse into my heart. And I know that in a few months we will be in our new jobs at our Hospitality House. I also know that even if I don't love washing clothes then, I will be thankful for it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Meet Christina & Alvin

I had the opportunity to meet Christina when we were at the Hospitality House in September. She and Alvin had been married for a few weeks and he was getting ready to deploy for Iraq. We talked together and prayed together about not only her being a new wife, but a new military wife. After we left Ft Hood in November she and I stayed in touch on Facebook. When we arrived at the Hospitality House a few weeks ago, she met me at the door with huge hugs. Christina is smart, funny, brave, and sometimes scared. She struggles with the fear that she could lose the husband that she hasn't even gotten to enjoy yet. He left after they had been married for 7 weeks. Christina is also looking for a job and wants to find a job working with children. Christina has a heart for the Lord, and is growing and maturing in her walk with Him. Pray that she will stay encouraged and not let discouragement creep in on her heart.She does get to send Alvin care packages, and gets to talk to him often, which is a huge blessing. Pray that their conversations will be fruitful as they discuss plans for their future, finances, safety, and spiritual issues. Pray that Christina can be a continued encouragement to her husband, and that her job hunting will be successful.