Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wow via Africa

As most of you know, Chris and I have been praying that God would provide our airline tickets to Colorado soon. We just didn't want the price to increase. We had no way of knowing where the money was going to come from, but we were still trusting God to provide. Well, I woke up the other morning and there was an e-mail from our friends who are missionaries in Africa saying they wanted to buy our tickets. Can you believe it? We were stunned. God just continues to pour out his goodness on us. I mean if I had permission from everyone to tell you how God has been using people in our lives to bless us, there would be pages long. God is an Awesome God and worthy of all our Praise!! We love Him and loving telling others about the might wonders of our Lord. So as of this afternoon we have 2 tickets to Coloardo. God has asked us to follow him, and we are following, trusting him to work out the details. And the sweetness in which He does it, is priceless Like a father loving his children. I am so glad He is my Father!!


Teresa said...

I remember my move to Texas and the impossibility in my mind of paying for seminary and how God blessed each step of the way. He even provided four new tires for my car from a coworker who noticed that my tires weren't in the best shape! We serve an AMAZING God!

Stephanie said...

Woohoo!! What an awesome answer to prayer and confirmation that you're right where God wants your family. God is so good!

Glad y'all are settling in and doing well!

Paula said...

Great news! Have fun enjoying God's delight and fame! Yes, our anniversary was the 29th. Congratulations to you as well!

Peas on Earth said...

God is so incredibly faithful!
Awesome! So happy for you!! :-)

Happy Anniversary today!!!!!