Here we are. We have been busy the last 3 weeks resting and recharging. We have been sleeping in beds and cooking on an indoor stove. We have been staying with some of our best friends during our time here in Fort Worth. Nice Blessings for sure!!
We have been traveling, speaking, resting, staying up late, having friend time, starting school, visiting with friends, and really being with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
No matter which house we stay at, which church we speak at, we are loving seeing our Christian siblings. We enjoy seeing all the different landscapes, and how God makes each person and place different. It is a miracle to sit back and view.
Here are a couple of photos from our time. Somehow, I didn't make enough pictures!!

Getting new family pictures made

Enjoying our Friends the Hall's in Seymor, TX

Enjoying our friends the Harrison's - being with Tyler at his baptism.

Meeting up with The Groves Family - another Cadence missionary family from Spain

Visiting the Steffan's in Aquilla, TX